All tagged Investors

Geoff Donaker: "Instant Karma"

Geoff Donaker has seen every stage of a start-up—from going public to having to close the doors. Now he is on the VC side as founder of Burst Capital, bringing his expertise to investing. Meet this former COO of Yelp and hear his advice for founders and new companies on how to avoid common problems like stagnant prices or becoming untethered from your customers.

Sian Morson: "The Story"

Sian Morson is a start-up founder, a published author, a film producer, creator of a genius beauty app, and an incredibly down-to-earth interviewee. She’s been on both sides of the investor/start-up founder relationship, and is an entrepreneur whose persistence and need to solve nagging problems has served her remarkably well.

Jim Long: "Are You Experienced?"

From Berkeley engineering to Harvard MBA, from engineer to founder to venture capitalist and back again, Jim Long’s seen a lot in his 40 years in Silicon Valley. He’s got a lot to share with us, including stories of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, and his perspective on how we got where we are today.