Owen Thomas: "Gimme Some Truth"

Owen Thomas: "Gimme Some Truth"


This Week's Guest: Owen Thomas


About This Episode

We brought Owen Thomas back for another episode so we could hear his story about Valleywag.com and his now-famous post about Peter Thiel's sexual orientation, which ultimately led to the demise of Gawker.com. Owen weaves an intricate narrative about the players, including Nick Denton, and what he believes are the real reasons that Peter Thiel backed Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker.com.

Owen tells us about the origin of his blog post, how he came to know Nick Denton and become the managing editor of his Silicon Valley gossip site, and their reporting on the inner workings of Facebook and Clarion Capital.

His first-hand anecdotal accounts of how perception is crafted by the power brokers that reign over Silicon Valley is not only eye-opening, but entertaining.


Show Notes



Business Editor, The San Francisco Chronicle

Owen Thomas is the business editor of the San Francisco Chronicle. He supervises The Chronicle’s business and technology coverage. Previously, Thomas was the editor-in-chief of ReadWrite, a technology news site. His digital experience includes serving as the West Coast Editor of Business Insider, executive editor at the Daily Dot, and managing editor of Gawker Media's Valleywag. Before that, he served in various roles at Time Inc.'s Business 2.0 magazine, the Red Herring, and Wired.

Thomas has a bachelor's degree in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago. Find Owen on Twitter, too.

Musical Inspiration For This Episode From Our Playlist

Linda Popky: "We Built This City"

Linda Popky: "We Built This City"

Kumar Garg: "History Has Its Eyes On You"

Kumar Garg: "History Has Its Eyes On You"